Search for tag: "students"

More Than Just Viewing

In NTULearnVideo, you can do more than just watching videos uploaded by your tutors. You can:Participate in interactive video quizzes created by your tutor Go to certain slides using Chapter markers…

From  NIE Kan Mei Yi, Yvonne 0 likes 52 plays 0  

08 How Do I Create a Video Assignment

From  NIE Kan Mei Yi, Yvonne 0 likes 39 plays 0  

07 How Do I Create a Video Quiz

From  NIE Kan Mei Yi, Yvonne 0 likes 77 plays 0  

3 Useful Ways to Assess Students Learning

In NTULearnVideo, you have the ability to: 1. Create an interactive video quiz for your students 2. Create a video assignment for your students3. Evaluate student engagement on your videos! All…

From  NIE Kan Mei Yi, Yvonne 0 likes 149 plays 0